
Know your collars

Kent Collar

This classically cut collar was named after the Duke of Kent, Prince George, who in the 1930s was looking for a shirt that could also be worn with large tie knots. The Kent collar offers its wearer a sharp and sophisticated look.

Button Down Collar

This collar’s origins can be found on the polo fields of England. The buttons served the role of holding the collar points in place while players were riding around on giant stallions. This sportive modern collar works equally well in a work or casual environment

Hidden Button Down Collar

The origin of the button-down collar dates back to the 1850s. It was made for British polo players to avoid the collar flapping up in the wind during matches. At this particular model, the buttons are hidden in the bottom layer of the collar, keeping it in place.


Mandarin Collar

The Mandarin or Nehru collar can be traced back to early 200 BC where it was a traditional feature on the gowns worn by the Mandarins in Imperial China.